Let me tell you a little bit about myself:  I've been an avid reader ever since that first Nancy Drew book I picked up years ago.  No, actually I lied -- I got hooked on reading with comic books!

Since then, I've surrounded myself with books, enjoying contemporary and historical romances, mysteries and once in awhile I dip into paranormals.  I also love to research for background material to help with my stories - my form of time travel!

I've led a checkered past, I must admit.  I dropped out of college, worked in various businesses until I married my high school sweetheart (of course, Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome!), raised my babies, went back to college part-time and finished my college degree, then continued, albeit slowly, to earn graduate degrees in English and in Library Science.

Yes, libraries were and still are my happy place and I thrive on helping patrons.  After years of ordering  books and facilitating several writers groups, I decided to try my hand at writing a novel -- and the rest is history.  I published my first romance as an indie author in 2016 and haven't looked back since.

What do I do to relax?  Read, naturally!  I also try to maintain a large perennial garden -- roses are my favorite; weeding is not -- and love to quilt, knit and crochet, especially in the summer when I can take my crafty projects outside on the back lawn under my favorite maple tree.  A bit of heaven on earth!